BHI in Collaborative Innovation

Big Heart Technologies (BHT) has developed a comprehensive system to cultivate BHI based on 10 Essential Moves. See Laughing Heart- A Field Guide to Exuberant Vitality for All Ages.

Complete training materials have been developed, demonstrating that it is possible to increase BHI or “Laughing Heart Advantage” meaningfully and measurably within 3 hours of practice, or twelve 15 minute sessions.

Wide Practical Application

Our goal within the next three years is to create a BHI Codex of Best Practices, or Heartopedia. Here is a sampling of first applications.  See also Big Heart Intelligence and Corporate Destiny

BHT is launching a BHI Collaborative Innovation Network (COIN) platform and suite of apps.  In collaboration with WHIS and other alliance partners, BHT is ready to launch a new BHI COIN platform with a portfolio of apps based on specified blueprint. The blueprint is available for review by prospective charter sponsors.

We welcome ideas and suggestions from potential collaborators.

Big Heart Intelligence and Strategic Alliance Mediation

BHI enhances the process of strategic alliance mediation on every level. The mediator(s) develop advanced listening skills because they have learned to attend not only with their ears and the minds, but also with their hearts. Although neutral as to the individual protagonists, they are staunch advocates for the alliance interest, which is distinct and separate from the parochial interests of the parties.

Alliance mediators bring an advanced capacity to “See the Big Picture,” which is essential to enabling disputing parties to discover shared value, and provide gravitas that “holds the container” for this discovery process to occur. By connecting with the parties heart-to-heart, BHI alliance mediators inspire trust which is the bedrock of all successful alliances. They thereby establish a living example that opens an opportunity for the parties to set aside small hearted, narrow perspectives. Lastly, BHI helps to cleanse the energy field in a dispute that is often dominated by negative emotions that make the qi murky and stagnant. By creating space for fresh and clean energy (qi) to enter the conversation, BHI trained alliance mediators re-establish flow which is often the critical overlooked element in breaking an impasse.  More (pdf)

For more in depth on BHI:

The Trigger Method: Assessing Strategic Industries and Technologies

Big Heart Intelligence and Corporate Destiny

What makes BHI Different from EQ or Emotional Intelligence?

What is Big Heart Intelligence? Interview

BHI Certification Program under development

The BHI Smart Collaborative Platform