Julian Gresser Professional Profile

Chairman/President Big Heart Technologies

Founder and Chairman, Neurogenics/Alliances for Discovery        

Julian Gresser is an international attorney, professional negotiator, inventor, and recognized expert on East Asia. He is currently Chairman and President of Big Heart Technologies, a California Benefit Corporation (“B” Corp) that is currently introducing the idea of a “Community Health Intelligent Multiplier Exchange (CHIME).” CHIME is based on blockchain technology as a first application in the field of community health of an emerging new body knowledge conceived and developed by Mr. Gresser and colleagues, “Big Heart Intelligence (BHI)” www.alliancesfordiscovery.net. BHI has wide and deep applications in science, technology, business, law, politics and the arts.

Mr. Gresser was twice Mitsubishi Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School (1976-77; 1979) and a visiting professor at MIT’s Program on Science, Technology, and Society, Doshisha University in Kyoto, and Beijing University. He is the author of five books, Environmental Law in Japan (MIT Press, 1981), Partners in Prosperity: Strategic Industries for the U.S. and Japan (McGraw Hill, 1984; in Japanese, Cho Hanei Sengen), and Piloting Through Chaos: Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century ( Five Rings Press, 1996), (in Japanese, Ishi Kettei Isutsu no Hosoku–Koshodo no Gokui, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1997), and Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind (English publication: August 2013, Bridge 21 Publications), and his most recent work, an online living book, Laughing Heart—A Field Guide to Exuberant Vitality for All Ages—10 Essential Moves (www.alliancesfordiscovery.org); in addition to numerous articles in English and Japanese on science, technology, economics and law.

As a negotiator his most dramatic success involved helping a San Francisco-based trading company transform its $8 million after-tax branch into a $1 billion Japanese company in seven years. He has served as legal advisor to numerous U.S., Japanese, and European companies on a wide array of business issues, including joint ventures, limited (venture capital) partnerships, technology licensing, export controls and customs fraud, antitrust, and intellectual property protection, particularly patent infringement disputes. He has been a senior consultant to the U.S. State Department, The World Bank, The Prime Minister’s Office of Japan, The People’s Republic of China, and the European Commission (where he trained the Commission’s Japanese negotiating teams).

Julian Gresser is the innovator of a 21st humanitarian/business model embodied in the work of Alliances for Discovery. The model is described in two recent articles “Beyond Shared Value—Character as Corporate Destiny.” http://ssir.org/articles/entry/beyond_shared_value_character_as_corporate_destiny; and in a visionary piece published in July 2016, “Seeing the Big Picture in Medical Science.” https://ssir.org/articles/entry/seeing_the_big_picture_in_medical_science. Julian Gresser’s latest book, Laughing Heart™–A Field Guide to Exuberant Vitality for All Ages: 10 Essential (www.alliancesfordiscovery.org) has just been published in March 2017. Based on this book Julian Gresser in collaboration with his Alliances for Discovery board member William Moulton has developed an organizational metric Big Heart IQ™ that is described in another article, “Big Heart Intelligence and Corporate Destiny” http://bigheartintelligence.org/1692-2/

Environmental Law and Advocacy Expertise—In addition to authoring Environmental Law in Japan, Julian Gresser taught environmental law for several years (1976-77, 1979) at the Harvard Law School. He has consulted with many environmental activist organizations, and helped the Peoples Republic of China in drafting its Marine Pollution Law. One of his most celebrated cases was his advocacy against the Palau Superport on behalf of a global coalition of environmental organizations, which resulted in the Japanese Diet’s recognizing the rights of foreigners to petition the Diet for redress of grievances, and ultimately the cancellation of the project. He has also produced a series of blogs outlining an effective response to the Fukushima nuclear accident of March 2011. (www.explorerswheel.com/blog) He is currently developing a new paradigm for integrating Big Heart Intelligence, GAIA, environmental law and advocacy.

Fukushima Series

Following the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Julian Gresser published a series of blogs offering a solution to the catastrophe and advancing novel ideas relating to environmental risk assessment, disaster prediction, and public innovation.

Principal Inventions and Innovations

  • Conceived and founded the Center for Environmental Problems in Japan which created a global network of collaborating public interest law firms.
  • Established the right of aliens to petition the Diet for the redress of grievances—in this instance opposition to the construction of a trans-shipment port in Palau Micronesia
  • Invented an integrity based system of Artful Negotiation—a practical way to cope with the “shadow” players in the world and to reach super optimal gains.
  • Discovery Machine—a new way of using EEG biofeedback to train individuals and teams to enter a state of creative reverie and solve problems, particularly important social, environmental, humanitarian challenges.
  • Translation Engine—a way of enabling domain experts, especially in science, and citizen scientists to communicate effectively by translating complex scientific challenges into imagery; then re-translating images created by citizen scientists into language, imagery, and metaphors that trigger breakthroughs in the minds of domain experts.
  • Artful Navigator wisdom expert system (software)- a way of encoding the “wisdom genome” of the great figures of history, literature, and the arts and applying their wisdom practically in solving every day challenges.
  • Going Public Japanese Style” – an innovation which established an important precedent in foreign companies taking advantage of the Japanese capital markets.
  • Strategic alliance mediation—an expansion of ADR principles in addressing unreconciled differences and disputes in complex alliances.
  • Collaborative Innovation—a systematic architecture for accelerating innovation through collaboration.
  • Collaborative Intellectual Property–Mega-patents and other regimes for enhancing collaboration with multiple contributors.
  • The Explorers Wheel—a 21st century framework to connect everything with everything.
  • Smart publishing—a book that learns about its readers using smart codes with an embedded integrity algorithm
  • Big Heart Intelligence—a 21st century holistic trans-silo heart-centric way of engaging with the world and enhancing corporate performance.
  • Laughing Heart™—Create Your Own Luck ™- a app to cultivate paying forward for individuals, teams, organizations, communities, and distributed social networks based on prototype “Graphs” introduced in Piloting Through Chaos—Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (1995)


Business Address: JG Enterprises, P. O. Box 30397 Santa Barbara, CA 93130

E-mail: juliangresser77@gmail.com

Web site: www.explorerswheel.com

Telephone:  (805) 563-3226; cell (805) 708-1864


SPECIALTIES: Professional negotiator with special expertise in:

  • Japanese & Chinese business transactions
  • Cross-cultural strategic alliances
  • IP and innovation strategy
  • International energy/environmental-related transactions
  • Alliance law
  • Alliance mediation


EDUCATION: J.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1971

Stanford University, Graduate Study Toward Ph.D. in Economics, 1967-1968

M.A., Harvard University, Far Eastern Studies, 1967

A.B, Harvard University, 1965\


FOREIGN Japanese and Chinese

LANGUAGES:  French, Spanish, and Italian (reading only)



Present:    Chairman and President, Big Heart Technologies/Alliances for Discovery

2008-2012  Senior Counsel Manatt, Phelps, and Phillips, Chairman International Practice Group

1988 to 1999  Member of the Board, Discovery Engineering International (DEI)

1988 to 1990 Special Japan Counsel, Crosby, Heafey, Roach and May

1986 to 1988 Partner, Nutter, McClennen & Fish

1983 to 1984 Founding Partner, Coleman and Gresser, The Pacific Law Group

1982 Consultant, Prime Minister’s Office of Japan

1981  Consultant, Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering (International aspects of cross-cultural flows.)

1980 to 1981 Consultant, U.S. Department of State

1980 Consultant, U.S. Environmental Protection Office

1979 to 1980 Council on Foreign Relations Fellow–Special Consultant on East Asian Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Holbrooke, now U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

1976 to 1977 Consultant, World Bank

1972  Staff Attorney, Center for Law in the Public Interest

1971 to 1972 Associate, Graham & James

1970 (Summer) Research and work in Japanese Law at Shozawa Law Office, Tokyo

1969 (Summer) Translator for Foreign Division of Tokyo Stock Exchange



1990-2000 Presenter and participant in Inter-Faculty Seminar involving Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School and Kennedy School on Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Julian Gresser offered over 30 seminars on Artful Negotiation to some 300 corporate presidents through TEC, an international association of CEOs and other organizations.

Adjunct Professor, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, where Julian Gresser taught a course entitled “Wise Leadership and Effective Negotiation.”

1981 to 1983  Two-year appointment as Visiting Professor, Program on Science, Technology and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1981 to 1983 Lecturer in Law, Harvard Law School

1980 (Spring) Visiting Mitsubishi Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

1976 to 1977 Visiting Mitsubishi Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

1974 to 1981 Professor of Law (with tenure), University of Hawaii School of Law

1973 to 1974 Visiting Professor of Law, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan (Taught Japanese law in Japanese.)

1973 (Summer) Visiting Professor, Beijing University, Faculty of Law




Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind ( Bridge 21 Publications 2013

Piloting Through Chaos: Wise Leadership · Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (Five Rings Press, 1996) (Japanese translation of “Piloting Through Chaos,” Isshi Kettei Isustu no Hosoku—Koshodo no Gokui Tokuma Shoten Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1997)

Partners in Prosperity: Strategic Industries for the United States and Japan (McGraw Hill, June 1984) (Japanese translation of “Partners in Prosperity,” (Cho Hanei Sengen)TBS Britannica, October, 1984)

Environmental Law in Japan, (M.I.T. Press, 1981)

Major Articles and Blogs

“Beyond Shared ValueCharacter as Corporate Destiny” (Stanford Social Innovation Review, June 2015) http://ssir.org/articles/entry/beyond shared value character as corporate destiny Chinese translation:


Address at the 50th Reunion of the Harvard Class of 1965—Big Heart Intelligence—A New Frontier in Science, Technology, Business, and Politics (May 26, 2015)

The Great US/Mexican Wall as an Engine of Sustainable Prosperity (December 2, 2015) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/great-usmexican-wall-engine-sustainable-prosperity

A Smart Green Explorers Wheel: Empowering Innovative Local Communities (April 9, 2015) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/smart-green-explorers-wheel-empowering-innovative-local-communities

Applying Big HeartTM in Business and Public Life (September 30, 2014)


PROPOSED AGENDA (September 30, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/proposed-agenda

Unique Funding Proposition (UF))—Democratizing Global Change Making through GeneroCities (September 30, 2014)          http://explorerswheel.com/blog/unique-funding-proposition-ufp%E2%80%94democratizing-global-change-making-through-generocities

Smart Explorers Wheel: Accelerating Innovation Integration in the Green Industrial Revolution (August 18, 2014)


Radio Interview with Tim Spangler on Fukushima, China, and Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind (July 9, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/radio-interview-tim-spangler-fukushima-china-and-piloting-through-chaos-explorer%E2%80%99s-mind-july-6

Julian Gresser Speech in Chinese Celebrating Establishment of Global Innovation Center at CNPC Beijing China, May 2011 http://explorerswheel.com/blog/julian-gresser-speech-chinese-celebrating-establishment-global-innovation-center-cnpc-bejing

Innovation & The Explorer’s Mind (July 5, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/innovation-explorer%E2%80%99s-mind

A California-China Solar Partnership (June 23, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/california-china-solar-partnership

How Secure are the Spent Fuel Pools at Fukushima? (June 23, 2014) http://exploreswheel.com/blog/how-secure-are-spent-fuel-pools-fukushima

How Integration Can Drive Trade Facilitation – In Several Languages (June 22, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/how-integration-can-drive-trade-facilitation-several-languages

Breaking the Language Barrier Between English and Chinese and Its Implication for the World (June 22, 2014)

Explorer’s Circle—Learning Over Lunch with Julian Gresser/Sponsored by the University Club of Santa Barbara June 12, 2014—An Outline of the Presentation (June 20, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/explorer%E2%80%99s-circle%E2%80%94learning-over-lunch-julian-gressersponsored-university-club-santa-barbara

When Will We Listen? Reconsidering Earthquake Prediction on the Anniversary of the 2008 Sichuan Quake (May 30, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/when-will-we-listen-reconsidering-earthquake-prediction-anniversary-2008-sichuan-quake

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (April 21, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/open-letter-prime-minister-shinzo-abe

Fukushima: Earthquake Prediction in the Shadow of Consensus Science (March 3, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/fukushima-earthquake-prediction-shadow-consensus-science

Review by: Woodrow W. Clark II, MA3, PhD(*) Qualitative Economist (January 8, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/review-woodrow-w-clark-ii-ma3-phd-qualitative-economist

Closing Note of Appreciation to Supporters of the Fukushima Indiegogo Campaign (January 3, 2014) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/closing-note-appreciation-supporters-fukushima-indiegogo-campaign

Innovation Alert #2—The Ultimate Fukushima Challenge (December 19, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/innovation-alert-2-ultimate-fukushima-challenge

Innovation Action Alert #1—Reliable Radiation Monitoring for California and Other Western States (December 9, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/innovation-action-alert-1-reliable-radiation-monitoring-california-and-other-western-states

Announcement of Indiegogo Campaign Launch (November 18, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/announcement-indiegogo-campaign-launch

Inventing for Humanity – A Collaborative Strategy for Global Survival (November 18, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/inventing-humanitya-collaborative-strategy-global-survival

Highlights of the UN Association Town Meeting (October 30, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/highlights-un-association-town-meeting

Generating Solutions for Fukushima (October 9, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/generating-solutions-fukushima

Fukushima: A Blueprint for Action (August 14, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/fukushima-blueprint-action

Fukushima: Consensus Trance and Our Right to Know (August 7, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/fukushima-consensus-trance-and-our-right-know

Fountain of Youth Project—The First Voyage (May 13, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/fountain-youth-project-first-voyage

Fukushima and Foreseeability (April 13, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/fukushima-and-forseeability

Natural Disasters & Public Innovation (March 12, 2013) http://explorerswheel.com/blog/natural-disasters-public-innovation

Expanding Your IP Pie in China—Winning Strategies for Agile Foreign Companies Bloomberg Law Reports, April 27, 2011

Inventing for Humanity—A Collaborative Strategy for Global Survival” VIA, The Journal for New Thinking for New Action, Volume One, Number Four, 2003

“Strategic Alliance Mediation—Creating Value from Difference and Discord in Global Business,” European Journal of Law Reform, Volume Two, Issue Four, 2000.

“Turning Conflict into Opportunity Through Alliance Mediation in Structuring, Negotiating, and Implementing Strategic Alliances,” published by Practicing Law Institute, 1998

“Best Alliances Make 1+1 Equal More Than 2,” Nikkei Weekly (March 16, 1998)

“High Tech Training for Sales Samurai,” 1996

“Understanding the Japanese Negotiating Code: The Virtual Dojo and Other Critical Capabilities for the Late 1990s,” Symposium: Private Investments Abroad, Problems and Solutions published by Southwestern Legal Foundation, (Matthew Bender, 1995)

“Breaking the Japanese Negotiating Code: What European and American Managers Must Do To Win,” European Management Journal (Vol. 10, No. 3, September 1992)

“A Passport to the Japanese Equity Markets,” Coauthored with James Schrager, Wall Street Journal (April 29, 1991)

“Mastering Negotiations with the Japanese,” Palo Alto, California (June 30, 1990)

“Engineering Discovery and Negotiating Organizational Change.” Forthcoming book on “Creativity in Large Bureaucracies”

“Engineering Discovery,” Network of Inventive Thinkers Association (NITA), (October 1990)

“Creative Coexistence Can Heal U.S.-Japan Rift,” an Opinion, The Japan Economic Journal (June 30, 1990)

“Discovering Solutions to U.S. Japanese Conflict,” World Business Academy Perspectives (Summer 1990)

“U.S., Japan Stock Markets: Divergent Goals,” with James Schrager, Japan Economic Journal (Week Ending February 10, 1990)

“Going Public, Japanese Style,” with James E. Schrager, Wall Street Journal (May 2, 1988)

“On the Way to Japan, Pack Careful Planning,” San Francisco Business Times, (December 1, 1986)

“Julian Gresser: An Iconoclast Practice Japanese Trade Law With Aid of ‘Visions’,” San Francisco Business Times (September 29, 1986)

“To Compete With Japan You Should Be in Japan,” Inside R&D, the Weekly Report on Technical Innovation (September 10, 1986)

“Competing With the Japanese on Their Own Turf,” with A. Osterman, Wall Street Journal (December 2, 1985)

“A Solution to Our Economic Ills” (1985)

“U.S. Export Controls: The Next Battle With Japan,” The Japan Economic Journal (October, 1985)

“Strategic Industries and Economic Growth Within the Pacific Region During the Late 20th Century,” Presented to the XV International Conference on World Peace, Tokyo, Japan (July 15, 1985)

“Can the U.S. Protect Patents Pending?” San Jose Mercury News (June 23, 1985)

“Misnomer, Poor Handling of Issues Confuse Ideological Differences,” The Japan Economic Journal (October 16, 1984)

“Standard Setting in Telecommunications: The Next Battle Field,” Diamond Executive (December 1984)

“The U.S.-Japan Software Wrangle,” Nikkei Shimbun, 1984

“Japan and the United States: A Strategy for Survival,” The Japan Economic Journal (September 27, 1983)

“The International Adjustment of National Industrial Policies,” Preliminary Report to the Prime Minister’s Office in Japan

“Japanese Government Policies for the Robotics and Machine Tool Industries C The Productivity Problem from Another Perspective,” Subcommittee of Trade, U.S. House of Representatives (October 14, 1980)

“High Technology and Foreign Industrial Policy,” Subcommittee on International Finance, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (January 15, 1980)

“Balancing Industrial Development with Environmental Management in the Republic of Korea,” Report on the Environmental Mission to the World Bank (December 22, 1977)

“Japan’s Handling of International Environmental Problems: Contradictions with the Domestic Record,” Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (1977)

“The Development of Pollution Control in Japan,” 1 Harvard Environmental Law Review 541-5445 (1977)

“The Transnational Public Interest Lawyer: High Hopes and Difficult Realities,” Intellect Magazine, Volume 104 (March, 1976)

“The 1973 Japanese Law for the Compensation of Pollution-Related Health Damage: An Introductory Assessment,” Law in Japan, Volume 8 (1975). Also published in slightly different form in 5 ELR 50229

“A Japan Center for Human Environmental Problems: The Beginning of International Public Interest Cooperation,” Ecology Law Quarterly, Volume 3 (1973)

Major Articles in Japanese

“Nichibei Tairitsu O Seifuku Suru Hakken Kogaku No Susume, Advancing a System of Discovery Engineering That Will Conquer U.S. Japanese Conflict,” Asai Journal (August 3, 1990)

“The Transnational Application of Environmental Impact Assessment,” Kogai Kenkyu, Pollution Research (July 1976)

“Legal Translation and Transmission of Meaning,” Vol.2, No.6, Kokusai Shoji Homu (1974)

“Comparative Aspects of Preventive Approaches to Pollution Control in the U.S. and Japan,” with K. Fujikura, Hanrei Times (June 1974)

“Kankyo Mondai Ni Kansuru 1973 Bonn Kaigi on Hokoku” (a Report on the Bonn Conference of 1973), with Y. Taniguchi, Kyoto University, Juristo (June 1974)

“Kankyo Mondai Ni Kansuru Kokusai Kyoryoku Teian” (a Proposal for International Cooperation Regarding Environmental Problems), Juristo (March 15, 1973)


PROFESSIONAL  ·    California Bar Association                    · International House of Japan

ASSOCIATIONS: ·    Harvard Club of New York

ORGANIZATIONAL  ·    Cofounder, Japan Committee for Human Environmental Problems

ACTIVITY:   ·    Founder and Chairman, Japan Industrial Policy Group (an Inter-agency-Congressional task force studying industrial policy and U.S.-Japan economic relations)

  • Founder, The Corps of Discovery, a multidisciplinary group of physicians, inventors, and others seeking to uncover breakthroughs in the treatment of glaucoma.

SIGNIFICANT  ·    Established right of non-resident aliens to petition Japanese Diet

LEGAL ACTIVITY:  (Chief Counsel in Palau superport case)

INVENTIONS: ·    The Trigger Method—a way of forecasting and analyzing “strategic” technologies and industries.

  • EEG Brainwave Biofeedback Machine, a Method of Engineering Discoveries
  • The Artful Navigator, software program which turns Shakespeare and other “masters of wisdom” into your personal coaches.
  • Legal and business structures to foster “Collaborative Innovation Networks” (COIN) and associated collaborative IP models.
  • The Explorer’s Wheel and related methods described in “The Explorer’s Mind”
  • LAMB (Living Adaptive Multimedia Book)—based on “smart” technology which enables books and web sites “to learn” from users of mobile and stationary devices.


  • Chess Expert
  • Qigong
  • Music and Healing
  • Oboist and recorder
  • Hiking
  • Lifelong learning systems
  • Yoga
  • Zen & Exploration
  • Biofeedback


  • In his mid twenties engaged two Japanese university presidents (Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University) in establishing a Center for Human Environmental Problems in Tokyo affiliated with other public interest advocacy center in the US and Europe.
  • As chief counsel to an international coalition of environmental groups, established the right of non‑resident aliens to petition the Japanese government for the redress of grievances. This involved negotiating with several major Japanese government agencies and the leading political parties.
  • Helped a San Francisco‑based trading company, Getz Brothers, transform its $8 million after‑tax branch into a $1 billion Japanese company in seven years. This required negotiating with the major Japanese underwriters, the Securities Dealers Association of Japan, the Ministry of Finance, as well as a cross section of Japanese venture capital firms, which we persuaded to become “long‑term” shareholders.
  • Identified a hidden code of negotiation, consisting of some 50 moves and tactics, by which the Japanese government and most Japanese companies create havoc in the decision-making processes of the opponents by undermining their core integrity.
  • Trained and coached the European Commission’s Japanese negotiating team in Brussels.
  • Trained many Swedish companies through a series of seminars on “Artful Negotiation,” offered between 1995‑99 under the auspices of the Swedish Institute of Management (IFL).
  • Trained over a hundred English solicitors and barristers (including several Queen’s Counsel) in two programs sponsored by CEDR in London.
  • Trained and coached over 300 hundred U.S. corporate presidents through TEC, an international association of CEOs.
  • Advised a large number of U.S. and European companies in their Japanese and Chinese negotiations as an international lawyer in San Francisco and Tokyo.
  • Invented the Artful Navigator, a “wisdom expert system,” which converts the great masters of action — Shakespeare, Sun Tse, Chuang Tse, Churchill, Gandhi, Mandela B into your personal negotiation coaches.
  • In the 1980s developed a unique way of using the Internet‑-LogosNet–for the continuous training of professional negotiators, thereby effectively solving the “fall‑off” problem. Developed other internet tools for asynchronous education in negotiation.
  • Successfully tested the Artful Navigator and LogosNet in a series of seminars on “Wise Leadership and Effective Negotiation,” offered to middle managers from Intel, Hewlett Packard, Mentor Graphics, and other high technology companies in the Pacific Northwest through the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and technology.



Endorsements of Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorer’s Mind

IPOs in China and Japan, inventions in clean energy, decoding Japanese negotiation strategies, incubators for creativity and innovation, the role of beauty in discovery and bringing ideas to market—Julian Gresser is a Renaissance man with an amazing array of achievements and gifts. He has written a truly original and helpful book with his own hard won understandings about how innovation can be incubated. Read it, it will enlarge your mind and you will discover your own capacity to do such things. It will grow with you and interact with your discoveries as you make them, taking them to a higher level.  –John Tarrant—Zen master, author, Bring Me the Rhinoceros and other works

“Mark Twain said, ‘You can’t depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus.’ In Piloting Through Chaos, Julian Gresser helps us to dream a better future and carefully outlines the steps needed to get there. Brilliantly written and meticulously researched, Gresser warns that we cannot achieve justice and abundance as individuals but only through collaboration, innovation, and fearless exploration of our own depths. And always, he reminds us, with kindness. Gresser is an international attorney, but also a 21st Century Renaissance Man, with a lifetime of experience in business, music, martial arts, invention, and meditation. He is not afraid to ask the big questions and to venture new views of how technology might be an ally in our quest for a better world.”  –Kenneth Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong and Honoring the Medicine

“We need a cultural revolution as transformative as were the scientific and industrial revolutions. If human culture is to survive without unacceptable impacts on the planetary environment, we must live differently as a culture. This means that the arts and humanities are on the front lines of collaborating with scientists and engineers, we need a ‘second renaissance.’ Julian Gresser, in the second edition of “Piloting through Chaos,” presents a sharply focused methodology for attacking some of the urgent problems and seizing the new opportunities.”  –Roger Malina, Editor, Leonardo



The market is flooded with books and tapes about negotiating, but no one, until now, offers insight into the underlying essence of our interpersonal abilities. This fresh approach, if followed, can be transforming for us as individuals, and as a nation. – Claudine Schneider, Former U.S. Congresswoman

Julian is 100% invested in teaching; an active listener; dedicated to ensuring that the class learns; he is high in energy and empathetic. What would my comments be to future participants? Exciting; out-of-the-box; has life application; fundamental to all relationships. – Bobbie Busha, Manager, BellSouth

There is widespread agreement that leadership at any level and in any area requires integrity in the person, the practice, and the profession. It is also clear that this is no easy, simple task, nor can it remain at the mercy of luck, sentimental or institutional formation. Julian Gresser – lawyer, scholar, martial artist, and streets-smart practitioner – now makes available the teaching and achievement of integrity in its integral form. As a foundation president, former commissioner, ambassador, and university president, I have had occasion to enlist Julian’s remarkable system and energies. He/it is a godsend for our troubled times and leaders.  – Dr. Glen A. Olds, Chair of the World Federalist Association; Co-Chair-Society for Values in Higher Education, Senior Scholar-Center for Ethics & Leadership; Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Portland State University

So many of the software programs I employ on a daily basis perform their functions adequately, however, they’re boring and uninspiring. It feels like a major chore to use them. The Artful Navigator, although serious in its intent, is a lighthearted and whimsical program. I feel so much like I’m playing a game that I hardly notice how much insight and wisdom I gain each time I use it. – Maggie Duval, Independent Computer Consultant

All of Alpine’s portfolio CEOs, General Partners and staff, have undergone training with dramatic and measurable results. One portfolio company had been mired in negotiations with a foreign company for over a year. In one day’s training, they put together a new plan and team, and three months later closed an OEM agreement worth millions. – Dr. Chuck K. Chan, General Partner, Alpine Technology Ventures

Julian Gresser is one of those rarest of teachers. He embodies the wisdom that he shares. His pioneering work in negotiation is a quantum leap in human understanding and will move people to their highest level of truth and accomplishment. The value is incalculable not only to individuals but to our society. – Michael Fitzgerald, Former Director, Washington State Department of Trade & Economic Development